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Who is ADHD Coaching for?
already diagnosed, recently diagnosed, suspecting a diagnosis of ADHD
tired, burnt out hearts looking to gain mastery over their frustratingly beautiful unique brain wiring
those who have done the hard work of therapy (or in the midst of it), but need practical ADHD strategies to gain leverage and take action to reach goals and take charge of life
whole, capable, creative and resourceful individuals with untapped strengths and potential
those in search of real and effective results for their unique ADHD brain
those who want to optimize productivity, organization, motivation, and time management
What Can Clients Expect From ADHD Coaching/OT?
deeper self-understanding, awareness & appreciation of a unique and powerful brain that is capable of so much
more time to do the things you love, overall improvement in well-being and happiness
unlocking potential, finding direction, thriving with joy and inner calm
greater appreciation and application of personal strengths, clarity around values and goals
break free of burn-out cycles, find mastery over your ADHD, and actually get thangs done 👏🏻
healthier relationships with self and others, cultivating a compassionately confident inner voice
We get you and the frustrations that come with living in a world designed for non-ADHD brains. We know you were made for so much more and hold so much value that deserves to be celebrated! And that is why Hesed ADHD was created by a fellow ADHD-er who has (and continues to) hyper-focus(ed) on all things ADHD with the greatest hope of seeing every ADHDer thrive confidently with joy, strength and inner calm.
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